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The “Ultimate Kick Tolerance Calculator” (UKTC) was developed by Frank French C Eng FIMMM (link to LinkedIn profile) Blair Field Services Ltd to provide a new risk-based method of calculating kick tolerance as a safety critical measurement of well barrier / well integrity design.

The UKTC will work on any privately owned PC or Laptop which uses Microsoft Office software. Note: The UKTC software cannot be downloaded onto a company owned PC due to your companies anti-virus software which will prevent .exe programs from being downloaded.

The UKTC will NOT work on Apple Mac computer systems.

The UKTC is currently being used by four corporations. Stena Drilling have purchased and been using the kick tolerance calculator and new kill sheet program software for all of their rigs for the last 3 years. Click on link to see Stena Drilling’s LinkedIn post.

I have also developed a new innovative kill sheet program which automatically produces a drill pipe pressure step down schedule for pumping kill mud to the bit for any well design from vertical to horizontal wells with up to five sizes of drill pipe. If you want to know more about the new kill sheet program then please email me at or visit web site


Steve O. Vorenkamp owner of Vorenkamp Well Control has endorsed the UKTC as “absolutely invaluable” and “the best I’ve seen” (text on presentation) in his recent PioPetro 2020 Summer internship video “Drilling Kick Tolerance”. Click on Video link to see his endorsement.

Randy Davis Well Examiner has endorsed the UKTC with a LinkedIn post where he said “I am happy to give an endorsement to Ultimate Kick Tolerance Calculator, Not only is it highly accurate, but it is transparent in outputs. It is far from being a black box that generates a final number. The variables are viewable and it is insightful to see the changes as you run iterations. Frank French, developer of the tool has done a great job. It works well and fills a need in the industry for quality engineering.” The post on LinkedIn can be viewed by clicking on the link

Michael Bloom purchased the UKTC to model the kick volume which resulted in an actual underground blowout where the formation at the shoe broke down,. Michael posted on LinkedIn “Just a quick shoutout for Frank French and his Ultimate Kick Tolerance Calculator (UKTC). I utilized the program while looking back at an underground blowout to not only assess the initial well conditions post shut in but then to ascertain the likelihood of success on subsequent sidetracks. The tool predicted the maximum kick volume based on the actual intensity within tenths of field conditions. And helped to truly build a real life case around sidetrack viability. Great tool! Every drilling engineering should be considering utilizing this tool when determining casing shoe depth, primary hole sizes and of course contignecy ones when performing upfront well design options particularly when PPFG is much more variable or unknown due to geologic complexity. link

The Department of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Louisiana – Lafayette have now adopted the UKTC as their preferred method of teaching their students how to calculate kick tolerance volumes. Randy Andres Well Control Instructor commented on Linkedin that the UKTC “kick tolerance spreadsheet is superb.” The post on LinkedIn can be viewed by clicking on the link

Andy Sloan Director Well Engineering Dundas Consultants said on LinkedIn “Well Control starts at the planning phase in your well design. I use the Ultimate Kick Tolerance Calculator by Frank French C Eng FIMMM to help me with that. Great tool, simple to use.” The post on LinkedIn can be viewed by clicking on the link

Other posts on LinkedIn from satisfied users are Peter Bruce, Evgenii Sorokin.

The Ultimate Kick Tolerance Calculator can be purchased for a one off licence fee of only £50.00.

Please click on link to the “Shop” page if you wish to purchase the Ultimate Kick Tolerance Calculator

The Ultimate Kick Tolerance Calculator is available with the following units. Click on link to view the pdf report in the units selected: –

API UNITS – The units are the Standard American Petroleum Institute (API) Units: Volume = bbls, Length = feet, Mud weight = Pounds per Gallon (PPG), Pressure = psi, Pressure Gradient = psi/ft, Capacity bbls/ft, Diameters = inches.

METRIC UNITS – The Metric units are: Volume = litres, Length = meters, Mud weight = kilogram/litre, Pressure = bar, Pressure Gradient = bar/meter, Capacity litres/meter, Diameters = inches.

MIXED 1 UNITS – The Mixed 1 units are: Volume = bbls, Length = meters, Mud weight = Specific Gravity, Pressure = psi, Pressure Gradient = psi/meter, Capacity bbls/meter, Diameters = inches.

If none of these units are acceptable then please email to determine if the Ultimate Kick Tolerance Calculator can be developed with the specific units required for your operation.

Please click on link to the “Shop” page if you wish to purchase the Ultimate Kick Tolerance Calculator.

An example of the UKTC report is shown below: –